Syrup Mixing control / Digital Kanban system
Wrong material, wrong process, wrong quantity, etc... is no more. Our Syrup mixing control help technician free of mind, free of eyes checking tiny information in packaging. Control formula from the server and apply unique 2D barcodes for every single unit. Technicians are using handheld devices to get the instruction step by step. Less stress, better work.
Digital Kanban controls the requirement in real-time. No more tag collection, no more delay in fulfillment. By applying RFID, we control the wrong material passing the factory gate

Main features & Benefits
- Create users and permissions
- Create B.O.M dispensing with the order of mixing ingredients
- Create production orders with the set BOMs
- Assign mixing stations for production orders
- Upload concoction orders to handheld devices to control composing ingredients
- Control the dispensing order has been written, put on the trolley, tote...
- Control the material vehicles that are mixed with the prescribed stations
- Control the mixing order of raw materials
- Monitoring the preparation process at the central control room
- Record all user manipulation processes.
- Export work reports as required
- Printing materials labels, vehicle stamps, station stamps